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As much as I have done to resist the current administration, I have refrained from making wild comparisons to Hitler, or calling Trump Cheeto and so on. No more. Today's despicable, dog whistling, race-baiting legislative announcement makes me sick to my stomach, furious beyond belief, and mortified to be an American.
Let's review the sad litany of civil rights assaults attempted or proposed by this FASCIST administration:
1) The baldly stated Muslim ban. Flat our racist and Islamophobic.
2) The terror campaign unleashed by Homeland Security and ICE against the most vulnerable undocumented people. Again, racist and mean.
3) Rolling back of protections for trans people by DOJ and Dept. of Education. Transphobic, bigoted, stupid, unnecessary scapegoating.
4) Trump's military trans ban, announced as a series of tweets, unbeknownst to his generals. Callous, unresearched, behind the times, transphobic pandering to the ignorant.
5) DOJ return to maximum force by police departments, harsh minimum sentences, and prosecution for minor drug offenses. Racist, classist, ignorant, fascist.
6) DOJ using civil rights office to pursue racism in college admissions--against white people! Have these Nazis ever studied race from the point of view of the oppressed?
7) Constant attacks on Planned Parenthood at every opportunity. Sexist, misinformed, scapegoating.
8) Waiving off "pussy grabbing" as "locker room talk." Barbaric, sexist, stone age machismo.
9) The recent legislation proposing a limit on legal immigration. Racist, xenophobic, and stupid. Dead on arrival in the Senate, hated by the business community. Are these jokers 100% native American? From where did their people come? Have they ever taken a look at the statue of liberty?
Finally, I will say this: any member of the Republican party who does not denounce all of the above and who continues to support this administration is a fascist as well. That includes Richard Burr, Thom Tillis, and most of our House delegation. For tomorrow, RISE will have a call to action that asks you to call our representatives and demand that they take a stand on some of these issues. The press is under assault, foreign interlopers interfere with our elections, and the populace has been numbed into complicity with TV and consumer goods. However, if just enough of us wake up and speak truth to power, we may be able to save this county I love so dearly. Will you join me?


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